Shubashis Sen

Learner, Designer, Engineer, Speaker.

Corona virulent spread throughout the world, including Bangladesh. Doctors were also impacted while providing care to the patients since coronavirus is a contagious disease. So, while starting our own Practice lab “Robo Reflex” build a robot that can assist doctors.
The robot is called “Dr. Assistant Robot”.
This robot can assist doctors in providing treatment to patients while they are not there.
Dr. Assistant Robot used in Chittagong field hospital. Official news here.

A hydro-electric power plant basically refers to a plant that generates electricity by utilizing the flow of water via a turbine.  This project was completed at my workplace “NPC” with the contribution of some students. The main goal of this project is to turn on an LED to demonstrate how power is generated, and students will understand how a hydro-electric plant works. For more please click here.

Mars Rovers is basically exploring the planet mars – facts, information, videos and pictures. we built that mars rover prototype like our own way. After compleating graduation along with my friends we built this prototype not for competate in competation but we want to give a demo to our juniors that you also can built such great model.