Shubashis - Experience

Blog Writing Internship
ROBOADDA is a university based robotic group From “ShahJalal University Of Science and Technology (SUST).” I have completed my first blog writing internship under ROBOADDA. It was my first blog about Robotics. I feel more connection about Robotics during this internship. I would like to thanks to ROBOADDA Team. Here is my Blog Link:

In 2019 we (Robo Reflex) Participated in “BAIUST EEE Day – 2019”. In comilla, Bangladesh at Bangladesh Army International University of science & technology (BAIUST) I solo participate in “circuit mania” and in group I participate in “Robo soccer”. It was my 1st ever participation as solo or in group. Though by team or solo I didn’t get any prize but this competition teach me so many things like how to do work as a group, work in pressure, technical problem solving and so on. And this help me in my future steps.

Virtual Poster Competition By BRIS
I took part in the “Virtual Poster Competition By BRIS” in 2020. This competition is organized by the Bangladesh Research & Innovation Society. It was essentially team participation. “Environmental Friendly Vehicle” was the name of my concept, and my team and I received the Silver prize.

EDU intra university competition 2019
I participated in the “EDU intra university competition” in 2019 with my team, “Robo Reflex”. This competition was organized by the East Delta University. I had never competed before, and this was just the beginning. My team and I won the poster presentation segment’s top award for our design, which was called the “Smart Wheelchair.”

EDU intra university competition 2019
We turned the idea for the “EDU intra university competition” poster from 2019 into a reality. The wheelchair was designed by us and displayed at “EDU Inter University Day” in 2020. We received first runner up in the contest for that project.

EDU Intra University Day 2020
It was the “EDU Intra University Day” in 2020 And I took part in the “Robo Soccer” Competition with my team, “Robo Reflex”. We won the part after using the skills we had gained from our prior competition, which took place at BAIUST. Winning a robotics competition in person was an exhilarating experience.

EDU Intra University Day 2021
I competed in the “Project Showcase” Competition with my team, “Robo Reflex,” on “EDU Intra University Day” in 2021. An Ambu Bag DIY prototype was used to create our “Automatic Supply Machine” concept.

EDU Intra University Day 2021
Bangladesh has several fire incidents recently. In order to rescue lives from high-rise buildings where firefighters would otherwise struggle to put out a fire, we thus planned to create a firefighter drone. On “EDU Intra University Day” in 2021, I participated in the “Idea Contest” Competition with my team, “Robo Reflex” with a concent name “D-A life saving Device”. We came out on top in that section.

Project of Polytechnic Diploma Program
We completed this project during the last semester of the Polytechnic College Diploma program. I made it with my three friends. The fundamental idea behind this project is that anybody may put a number in a relay and use it to halt a line in any industry after a certain number that they choose to count. After that, the entire circuit will behave as shown and halt at the desired number.

Load Control by PIR Sensor - I was Guiding
In addition to theory, I try to build practical knowledge and skills throughout my teaching career. As a result, some students continue that process and develop an idea for automated load control. Give them some information regarding the project’s operation and the factors they should take into attention. At last, the “Load Control by PIR Sensor” project is developed.

Project of Step Down Transformer
In my 3rd semester in my University along with my two friends we made a Transformer. Basically it was a step down transformer. The value of step down for our transformer was given by our Teacher. The value was to convert from 220v to 39v and 3.5amp.
We made it within 3 working days.

Dr. Assistant Robot
Corona virulent spread throughout the world, including Bangladesh. Doctors were also impacted while providing care to the patients since coronavirus is a contagious disease. So, while starting our own Practice lab “Robo Reflex” build a robot that can assist doctors.
The robot is called “Dr. Assistant Robot”.
This robot can assist doctors in providing treatment to patients while they are not there.Dr. Assistant Robot used in Chittagong field hospital. Official news here.

Hydro Electric Power Plant
A hydro-electric power plant basically refers to a plant that generates electricity by utilizing the flow of water via a turbine. This project was completed at my workplace “National Polytechnic College” with the contribution of some students. The main goal of this project is to turn on an LED to demonstrate how power is generated, and students will understand how a hydro-electric plant works. It was executed entirely by students working under my supervision. Future students learning about these sorts of power plants might be inspired by learning this kind of project.